Home » Egypt gives Hemedti’s forces 72-hour ultimatum to return all Egyptian troops from Sudan or “else”
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Egypt gives Hemedti’s forces 72-hour ultimatum to return all Egyptian troops from Sudan or “else”

Egypt has given Mohamed Hamdan Dagolo, better known as Hemedti, the leader of the Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) a 72-hour ultimatum to return Egyptian troops apprehended in Sudan or “else,” Daily News Egypt has learned.

The First batch of Egyptian Armed Forces personnel who have been apprehended have already returned to Cairo on board of Egyptian Air Force plane on Wednesday. The remaining troops are expected to arrive within hours according to Egyptian sources.

Daily News Egypt has learned that evacuation operations are being carried out by Egyptian General Intelligence Service (GIS) Special Forces Unit in cooperation with the Egyptian Armed Forces.

Also, evacuations will include civilians who are in danger zones across Sudan. “GIS has informed both parties to suspend all military action until the end of the evacuation of the Egyptian troops,” Daily News Egypt has learned.

The soldiers were apprehended on Saturday, at Merowe Airport in North Sudan.

The Egyptian Armed Forces are coordinating with the various competent authorities in Sudan to secure the safe return of all members of the Egyptian armed forces to the homeland, the army spokesperson said in a Wednesday statement.

Sudan’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned the RSF for continuing to apprehend Egyptian soldiers. It added that the RSF are  “morally and legally responsible” for their safety and well-being.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry called on the international community to condemn such actions that violate the Third Geneva Convention.

On Monday, Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi chaired a meeting of the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Armed Forces on Monday to discussed the developments.

Egyptian troops present in Sudan for training purposes only and not to support any party, the president stated. He stressed that the situation in Sudan is an internal matter and Egypt’s position is consistent in non interfering in countries internal affairs.

“Our troops there are safe and we have confirmed their wellbeing,” Al-Sisi indicated.

He added that Egypt is in constant communication with all parties in a bid to reach a solution and de-escalate the situation.

Fighting between the Sudanese Army and the RSF raged on for the fourth day. The conflict has killed about 270 people and wounded more than 2,600 as of Tuesday, with gunfire and explosions still heard here across the city.

The clashes continued on Wednesday as violent explosions hammered the vicinity of the army’s general command in central Khartoum, eyewitnesses said.

The Sudanese army confirmed on Wednesday that it is countering a new attack by the RSF.
“The enemy suffered heavy losses in lives besides destruction of a number of combat vehicles,” the office of the army spokesman said in a statement.

A huge smoke cloud enveloped Khartoum airport due to an explosion of fuel tanks inside the airport, according to eyewitnesses.

Violent clashes also broke out Wednesday morning at the RSF camp in the Kafouri area north of Khartoum.
Although the two sides declared commitment to a 24-hour humanitarian truce proposed by international parties on Tuesday, fighting still raged in the country.

Source: dailynewsegypt