Russian House in Dhaka (formerly the Russian Cultural Centre), in cooperation with the National Museum and the Liberation War Affairs Academy, organized an event dedicated to Bangladesh’s 53rd anniversary of independence, ahead of Independence Day on March 26. At the beginning of...
In the final instalment of BIRN’s war photography series, Debbi Morello recalls her year in besieged Sarajevo, where snipers were an ever-present threat and...
Like a poorly scripted soap opera, the Easter Sunday Conspiracy introduces a new antagonist each episode – leaving the audience to wonder who is next in line...
A new exhibition unfolding at Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza reframes the historic site, as a place where not only history but also contemporaneity is reflected; as...
Two stories’ worth of water wiped out land with Christian history and tradition dating back millennia on Sept. 11. Rain from Storm Daniel overwhelmed the dams...