Home » Tebboune in China to plead Algeria’s accession to BRICS
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Tebboune in China to plead Algeria’s accession to BRICS

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune began a state visit to China on Monday, with both economic and diplomatic priorities as the North African nation seeks to become less dependent on gas and raise its global profile.

The visit follows Tebboune’s trip last month to Russia, a longtime military partner and supplier, although Algeria has remained officially neutral in Moscow’s war in Ukraine. Mr Tebboune spent two days in Qatar before landing in Beijing on Monday. A large delegation accompanied Mr. Tebboune to China, which testifies to a desire to deepen cooperation beyond the economy.

Mr. Tebboune is also seeking concrete support for Algeria’s membership of BRICS, an economic bloc that includes China and Russia, as well as Brazil, India and South Africa, and which is organizing a summit. next month. 

The collective was founded in 2009 when member countries were seen as the potential engine of future global economic growth.

BRICS membership has become a diplomatic priority for Algeria with the upheaval in the global economy, particularly due to the war in Ukraine. During his visit to Russia in June, Mr. Tebboune offered to help mediate the conflict.

Algeria’s relations with China are part of history. Algeria’s official APS news service highlighted China’s role as the first non-Arab country to recognize Algeria’s provisional government in 1958, established amid its brutal war of independence from France.

Since 2014, Algeria and China have been strategic partners and are committed to developing their cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, energy, space and health. China has been involved in many projects in Algeria, from building a grand mosque in the capital to a series of infrastructure projects.

In recent years, China has become the leading source of Algerian imports, ahead of traditional partners such as France and Italy.

Source : Africa News