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Andean Parliament Commits to Strengthening Bonds With Morocco

The President of the Andean Parliament, Cristina Reyes, has declared Morocco a “sister country” with permanent observer status, underscoring the solid and evolving friendship ties between the two countries.

In her statement, President Cristina Reyes reiterated her unwavering commitment to deepening relations with Morocco and exploring new opportunities for bilateral cooperation. “Morocco is not just a partner; it is a sister country, and we are determined to expand and diversify our collaboration,” Reyes stated.

Reyes made this announcement on the sidelines of the 44th anniversary celebrations of the Andean Parliament, which was attended by a Moroccan delegation led by Ambassador Farida Loudaya. The delegation consisted of the Moroccan House of Representatives.

The Moroccan delegation’s participation in the October session of the Andean Parliament underscores the Kingdom’s unwavering commitment to South-South cooperation and its dedication to strengthening ties with regional institutions.

Morocco’s advanced partnership status with the Andean Parliament has paved the way for fruitful collaboration and constructive dialogue.

One pivotal moment in this journey was the signing of a protocol agreement in July 2018 in Rabat, aimed at establishing a framework for parliamentary communication and interaction between Morocco and the Andean Parliament. This agreement allowed for the exchange of visits, expertise, experiences, information, and documents, creating a platform for mutual understanding and cooperation.

The Andean Parliament has consistently expressed its support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative for Western Sahara, demonstrating its commitment to Morocco’s territorial integrity. Recently, the Committee for Foreign Policy, International Relations, and Parliamentary Diplomacy of the Andean Parliament refuted statements the president of the body, President Gloria Florez, made against Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara at an OIC event.

A week following the OIC event, the Committee for Foreign Policy at the Andean Parliament reaffirmed its ongoing position in favor of Morocco’s Autonomy Plan as a credible and serious basis to end the dispute.

Source: Morocco World News