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Morocco Advocates for Peace, Security, and Development Support in Gabon and Niger

Morocco has called for international support to bolster peace, security, and development initiatives in Gabon and Niger.

In a recent address before the African Union’s Peace and Security Council, the Moroccan delegation pleaded to facilitate a successful transition process in the two African countries and ensure stability and prosperity for their citizens.

Speaking via videoconference, Morocco’s Permanent Representative to the AU Mohamed Arrouchi, underscored the country’s unwavering commitment to closely monitor the developments in Gabon and stressed the importance of maintaining the nation’s stability and tranquility.

He stated, “We must collectively commit to facilitating a rapid and effective response to this situation that will favor the return of Gabon to its natural place within the AU.”

Concerning Niger, Arrouchi reaffirmed Morocco’s commitment to supporting the stability and prosperity of the West African nation. He emphasized that Niger plays a crucial role regionally and internationally, and that its success is intertwined with broader African stability.

Arrouchi appealed for a “wise” approach to the situation in Niger, urging unity and cooperation to benefit the Nigerien people.

“Our delegation calls for considering the situation in Niger with great wisdom and avoiding divisions which, in the end, go against the interest of the Nigerien people,” he reiterated.

Recently, the two West African nations have faced coups that have seen the removal of their democratic governments, sparking calls for action from the international community to restore democratic rule.

Recently, the European Union adopted a framework to impose sanctions on members of the junta that seized power in Niger.

The framework allows the EU to sanction “individuals and entities responsible for actions that threaten the peace, stability and security of Niger, undermine the constitutional order, democracy, the rule of law, or constitute serious human rights violations or abuses, or violations of applicable international humanitarian law in Niger,” a statement from the EU council said.

Source: Morocco World News