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Western Sahara: Togo Renews Support for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity

Togo’s government renewed its support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and sovereignty over its southern provinces in Western Sahara.

Togo expressed its support for Morocco’s position before the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly.

“The Togolese delegation reiterates its commitment to the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty and renews its support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative, which is evidently the compromise solution to this regional dispute in accordance with international law,” charge d’affaires at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Togo to the UN Koffi Akakpo said.

Togo’s representative also commended Morocco’s commitment to the development of its southern provinces, recalling the investments and projects implemented as part of the new development model for southern provinces.

The Togolese official recalled that the model was launched by King Mohammed VI in 2015, contributing to the empowerment of the province’s population and the improvement of human development indicators in the region.

He also welcomed the opening of nearly 30 consulates general by many countries in Laayoune and Dakhla, stressing that these representations aim to strengthen the economic and social opportunities offered by the region as a hub for development, stability, and influence in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and African regions.

The Togolese diplomat concluded his statement, emphasizing support for the UN-led political process and the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy Staffan de Mistura, who are working to contribute to a lasting and mutually acceptable political solution to the dispute.

Source: Maroccoworld