Home » Morocco Has Become One of Renault Group’s Top 10 Markets
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Morocco Has Become One of Renault Group’s Top 10 Markets

With almost 45,000 vehicles sold, Renault accounts for more than 37% of the local market

Morocco continues to strengthen one of the country’s most important commercial ties. If the Renault Group was already key to the Kingdom’s industry and export sector, it is now also key in terms of sales. The French group has increased its sales volume to 44,497 vehicles in the first nine months of the year, which represents 37.9% of the total share of the local market.

These figures make Morocco the tenth largest market in the world for Renault, and the largest in the entire Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. These figures become even more significant when one considers that no other country in this region is even among the group’s 15 largest markets. The top five include France (407,289 units sold), Italy (135,619), Turkey (120,953), Germany (114,382) and Spain (96,026).

AFP/FADEL SENNA - Línea de ensamblaje de automóviles en la planta de ensamblaje de automóviles Renault-Nissan Tánger en Melloussa, al este de la ciudad portuaria de Tánger
AFP/FADEL SENNA – Car assembly line at the Renault-Nissan Tangier car assembly plant in Melloussa, east of the port city of Tangier

The Renault Group’s sales growth is not limited to Morocco. At the end of September 2023, sales were up 10.9% compared to the same period last year. So far, they have managed to sell a total of more than 1.5 million vehicles worldwide. It has also established itself as one of the most important car brands in Europe, being the second best-selling on the continent and with a growth of 22% compared to last year.

Also within the Renault group, Dacia grew by more than 16% compared to the first nine months of last year. With almost half a million sales, the four flagship models all show a substantial increase in sales. The Jogger is the fastest growing model, with over 76% more than last year. Slightly behind are the Spring with 40% growth, the Sandero with 18.3% and the Duster with 4.1%.

HOTO/RENAULT - Renault Kardian
PHOTO/RENAULT – Renault Kardian

In terms of turnover, Renault exceeded 37 billion euros at the end of September, more than 20% more than last year. These figures are boosted by the aforementioned partnership with Morocco. The Alawi kingdom exports 86% of the production carried out in its ever-growing country.

And no wonder. Morocco is increasing its investment in industry, represented in factories such as Kentira or the modernisation of facilities such as Tangier-Med. These are some of the many reasons that made Renault choose the Moroccan country and which, moreover, makes them want to continue to increase their investment. Proof of this is the announcement by the Renault Morocco group that it has just announced the industrialisation of the new Kardian at the Somaca factory for a commercial launch in the second half of 2024 in Morocco.

This Kardian is the first of the eight production models that will make up the Renault brand’s 2027 International Game Plan announced in Rio de Janeiro on 25 October. The French group considers that there is no better place than Morocco to start production of this car and assures that “the industrialisation of the Kardian in Somaca is a guarantee of the Moroccan industrial platform”.

Source : Atalayar